2.34 Lakh New Cases of Corona Virus in India

 April 17: Corona virus (COD-19) epidemic is on the rise in the country and in the last 24 hours, 2.34 lakh new cases have been registered in different parts of the country.
During the last 24 hours, 234692 new cases were registered in the country, according to data released by the Union Ministry of Health on the morning of Saturday. At the same time, the number of affected people has reached 1,45,26,609.

Meanwhile, a record 123,354 patients have recovered during this period, of which 12,612,220 patients have been rescued so far.

Corona's active cases in the country have crossed 1.6 million and reached 167,9740. Meanwhile, with the death of 1341 more patients, the number of deaths due to this disease has increased to 175649.

The recovery rate in the country has dropped to 87.23% and the active case rate to 11.56%, while the death rate has come down to 1.21%.

Maharashtra has the highest number of active cases in Corona and with an increase of 17996 active cases in the last 24 hours in the state, it has risen to 639642.

Meanwhile, a further 45,335 patients recovered in the state, bringing the death toll to Corona to 3004391, while the death toll from 398 more deaths rose to 59551.