Teachers to Attend Empty Classes as Government Directs to ensure 100% Attendance 
Srinagar CNS, Apr 23: Amid significant increase in Covid cases and Covid related deaths, Government of J&K has issued a shocking order directing all the head of Educational Institutions to ensure 100% attendance of the teaching and non-teaching staff.

However most netizens were seen making fun of the said order on the social media as most of them were of the opinion , Will teachers attend the empty classes? They questioned.     

In this regard Chief Education Officer Srinagar has also issued a formal order directing Principals, Headmasters and Zonal Education Officers to submit attendance of staff on daily basis through an online application.   
One of the doctors namely Dr. Muzzaffar Maqbool tweeted over the issue in harshest words and questioned the logic behind the decision, “in last week came across at least 30 teachers, who have contracted Covid diseases attending schools and colleges without students. Fail to understand why risking 50, 000 teachers and their families, attending duties, using public transport, imparting online education. Strange!” 

It is pertinent to mention that government has already issued the orders for the closure of the schools and colleges keeping in view the significant increase in Covid cases across J&K. (CNS)