Murder Over Land Dispute, Police Arrests 4  Family Members,

 ‘Bat-Weapon Of Offense’ Seized After Man’s Murder In Baramulla

Srinagar CNS, May 25 : Four persons including the main accused were arrested in connection with the murder of a man over land dispute in North Kashmir's  Baramulla district.
Baramulla police in a statement issued to CNS added they have also seized bat, “weapon of offense” used during scuffle to smash the deceased.  

The statement issued to CNS added that on May 24, a man identified as Ghulam Din Gazi son of Abdul Gaffar Gazi was seriously injured in a scuffle between two parties at Chakloo Baramulla on some land dispute. 

Subsequently, he said, a case was registered in Police Station Baramulla and the injured person was immediately rushed to GMC Baramulla where from he was referred to SKIMS Soura Srinagar. The injured person later succumbed to his injuries, he said.

“After hectic efforts, four accused including Ali Mohammad Changa son Lal Changa and his two sons Jan Mohammad Changa and Ayaz Ahmad Changa besides daughter Ulfat, residents of Chakloo Baramulla have been arrested and one tractor seized from the scene of crime.” 

He said the accused used cricket bat among others in the offense. “The bat, weapon of offense has been seized. (CNS)